I have published two books on Ancient Egypt, so far—each entirely different, one from the other. The first, The Pyramid Builder's Handbook is a serious look at the pyramids of of the Old Kingdom. Instead of seeking to understand indivual pyramids, the idea behind the research is to look at the pyramids as an evolving sequence, to identify the evolutionary factors, and so to assess the ideas and practices of the ancient builders, their intentions, their evolving methods and their style. We cannot put ourselves iin their position, nor can we think like they thought, but we might be able to detect patterns in the evolution that give us clues to their ideas…
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The Pyramid Builder's Handbook
Derek Hitchins
The second book is more by way of a historical novel: The Secret Diaries of Hemiunu. The book is filled with real characters from history - kings and queens, princes and princesses, royal architects and many more. These characters are set in real situations, but the solutions to their problems may be less than real - generally because nobody knows. For example, Khufu's eldest son, Crown Prince Kawab never succeeded his father. Why not…? And, Khufu's Great Pyramid gives evidence of early problems, with a deserted underground chamber, changes in construction and more. How could that be?
Throughout the book, Hemiunu is true to his calling - he was born to be the King's Architect. He worked on the architecture for Khufu's Pyramid even when he was exiled, and the book presents revealing insights into why the architecture is "as it is." The ancient Egyptians, particularly the architects, were known to be competent mathematicians, and there is evidence of their interest in numbers, and the magic of the right numbers, in the internal dimensions of the Great Pyramid - if you but have the eyes to see it...
These and many more well known, and rumoured issues have been woven into a story of intrigue and danger at the highest level. Did it happen this way? Who knows. But it might well have… if you love ancient Egypt, you'll love this!